Friday, November 13, 2009

The Walls!

Considering our values that we developed earlier in the year, how did this activity promote what we wanted our class to be about and what are some of the things that we still need to work on? The catagories where Trust, Fun, Community and Courage. To get the words that we used for each of the catagories refer to the blog on september 18th.


  1. The wall actvity greatly demontrated the idea of trust, Fun, and courage. Trust was needed for leaning to reach the higher wall. We had to TRUST our peers not to drop us or let us hurt ourselves. The activity was also fun, for me at least. I like being a monkey and climbing things sometimes. Courage was something we all needed. We all had to be brave and lean forward to reach the other wall eventhough in our heads, there were nightmares of falling and getting hurt running through our heads. Although we were all afraid-somewhat-and courageous, none of us, in my oppinion, illustrated as much courage as the people who felt uncomfortable did. They stepped out of their comfort zomes and did what they had to to help our class reach our goal. While doing so, they were able to participate in a trust activity and feel as if they were apart of the class. Despite their fears and uncertainty, they still gave effort and in they end, they gained pride, and accomplishment for their bravory.
    They only thing I thought our class lacked in this activity was community. Sure, a great deal of us encouraged people to come over, but a few-I'm guilty of this-of us disconnected ourselves from the activity after they made it over the wall. Community isn't just majority of the people. It's involving EVERYONE. After getting over the wall, it's okay to feel good and relax a little, but there is still others who need to get over. Insteat of just breaking off into little groups we could help others accomplish this task, and allow them to feel this sense of pride. We could help by being there when they come over the tall wall, and making sure they don't fall. Even if you don't think you can handle that or if there is already emough people on that job, encouraging others with positive words is always a good thing to do. plus, it can't be over done-usually....

  2. I think this activity really provided community and courage because a lot of people were afriad to go over, but everyone cheered them on and helped them. I think that we need to still work on trust because even though everyone got over some people didnt trust that the people in the middle and thought that they will let them fall/drop them.

  3. The walls promoted all of the categories we wanted the class to be about. We were forced to trust that our peers would not let us fall and that they would help us over the walls. I thought the activity was fun and I hope others feel the same way. Through cheering people on and overcoming the task of climbing over the walls, I feel like our class is becoming more of a community. It took a lot of courage for people to get over the walls. You definitely have to go out of your comfort zone sometimes and for some people this was one of those times.
    I don't think that any of these categories is perfect yet, but I think through the electric fence activity and the walls, we have come a long way.

  4. The wall activity made us demonstrate all of the catagories that we decided on in the beginning of the school year. We had to trust that the two people in the middle would not let us fall or drop us. For community, we had to all work as a family and encourage others that they could do it and we would be there for them if anything happened. We all worked together as a team which is why we accomplished this task so quickly. It promoted courage for everyone, but especially for those who were afraid to do it because they finally got the courage to at least try and all of them succeeded. Finally the activity was fun because after you got over the walls you felt good and accomplished. I know for me it was fun just climbing the walls! I think as a class we did a great job on this activity and we can only build from here.

  5. This activity really demonstrated our TRUST, and COURAGE in one another. Everyone had to trust people when going over the wall and even the few people who didn't feel comfortable went over. It was a great accomplishment that they eventually felt comfortable going over. I think that it was a big leap to trusting everyone in our class. One thing that everyone should have done better at was helping people when they went over the bigger wall. I know people were happy once they got over, so they started to just chill out back there. With people still coming over, it would have been better to help hold them as they were coming down. More people including me could of held their legs or something and I know only two people that were actually helping with this part. People may have felt more relaxed when coming over if there was more help on that side. Overall though, people are trusting others more because everyone went over even if it was out of their trusting range. Going over the wall took courage as well because some people didn't feel like they could make it, but they did go over and everything was fine. Everyone was a little bit afraid to go over the wall, but with people cheering it was all good. We just need to work on the community part and helping others out more and it will better. This was a funny activity to watch and the best part was how Justin and Mr. H went over!!

  6. To start off, i want to get most of the negatives out. The first problem was that certain people were cocky and selfish. They would make the people that were afraid of going across, such as myself, be more afraid. They would tell us that they could make it over in a breeze. They would say that they did not need help to get on top of the first bar, while some people did.

    In the category of fun, I say that it was one of the best activities. It was fun to be able climb over the higher wall and land on the other side. In this activity we had to actively participate. The activity was fun in a way that it was interesting. I felt that the activity was an interesting in the way we approached it. It was interesting that the people who were scared ended up going over the walls. Also it was funny that Mr. H and Justin crossed over walls with us.

    When it came to courage we excelled. But when it comes to encouragement we were poor. When I was crossing the only encouragement i got was from the two people in the middle and the six-seven people who were with me. i got encouragement from the people in the middle. By experimenting i was able to get courage and get over. By getting courage to get over the walls, i felt proud to be able to accomplish this with the help of others.

    Community was the topic in which we are divided. We defined community as unity, help others, etc.. When it came to helping others we tried for about 30 seconds, and some even more. What i saw was that people were there to help at certain times. When i went over there was one person there to catch my feet. When the next person came over there was no one. I was back in the the front to help people get over. Also we let a person that was scared fall on to the mats. no tried to help them on their way down. We acted as a community by encouraging and motivating people. We were functional and dysfunctional. But the good thing was we are getting more people to help in the community aspect.

    Trust was one part of the activity we excelled in. We were comfortable with getting help and support from others. Some were hesitant but then developed trust with all of us.

  7. I think this activity forced us to rely on others because we couldn't get pass the wall by ourself. It was fun but, at the same time, scary. I just think that we need to pay more attention to those that are more afraid and try to figure out a way to work with them without forcing our ideas onto them.

  8. This was an activity where our courage was testing. It could be scary looking down from the top of the high bar, but everyone pushed through their fear and was courageous in this activity. This activity also tested the trust we had in our classmates. We may not have succeeded in this activity if it was strangers holding us up, but the trust that this class had in one another helped us complete the task. For the community aspect, I think the support we gave our classmates was overall good, but could be improved upon.

  9. I thought this activity showed courage because many people took chances and everybody got over the walls. We showed community because we all worked together and i thought that everyone got a lot of encouragement from eachother and people were very brave. I thought that it was fun becasue we did really well and worked hard. also I think we did good on trust because people trusted that others would keep them safe and trusted the people in the middle to hold them.

  10. I think we did well in supporting one another. Literally and figurativly. We helped everyone feel comfortable emotionally as well as physically. I think what we really need to work on is starting. We have great ideas, and once we start we do pretty well. I also think we should give credit more to those who we the "bases." They had to help most go over.

  11. I think that this activity marked the breaking point between trust and courage in our class. What I thought was a simple challenge proved to be quite hard for some people. I want to give the most credit to Bethany and Jillian. Bethany, even though she was petrified, still went over the wall. She wanted to give up but all the encouragement kept her going. And for Jillian, even though she had fallen backwards on the first wall, she still decided to try again. I give them both credit. Justin and the bases also deserve credit becasue they helped everyone get over. I think the class as a whole did a great job of encoraging people that were a little nervous going over. One thing we probably could have improved was making sure people got off of the big wall okay. Some injuries could have been prevented if we all helped out a little more. Motivation was also a key componenet in this activity. If we hadn't motivated each other to get over the first wall, some people may not have participated. I also want to give credit, again, to Bethany for being the first to step up and conquer the wall.

    The class has really progressed in terms of trust. These challenges allowed us to believe in our classmates. I still think that we can improve on community, but that is the hardest because everyone has their own opinions and ideas. No matter what, I think we all did a great job and are continuing to improve each day.

  12. I don't know about fun, but I definitely trust everyone in our class more. I think since everyone was very encouraging that helped our community cattegory to grow stronger. Also it took a lot of courage to try, and everyone succeeded, no matter how nervous or uncomfortable they were.

  13. There was trust in all of us who were lifted when going from the low bar to the high one. The activity was adventurous and somewhat thrilling which made it fun. All of us had to do the same task in order to get across so we were a community in that we all could understand what eachother was going through. For the people who didn't want to be lifted and did..that took courage.

  14. I think all of these values were put into use during the wall exercise, but I there is also room for improvement in each category. We had to trust that our classmates would keep us safe, we demonstrated community by cheering and supporting each other when people went over the wall, courage was demonstrated by those who were afraid to go over at first and then succeeded, and most of us had at least a little fun going over the wall. However, not everyone was so trusting at first. They didn't think they could get over the wall with the help of their classmates. The aspect of community was damaged when people went into small groups and talked after they got over the wall. Some didn't have the courage to go over the wall at first. I think where we are as a class is good. We are only starting activities that require us to physically trust each other and with time, each of these values will become stronger and stronger.

  15. The wall was really fun. We used all of the four topics we wanted our class to be like. Courage, because we had to face our fears, whether thay were fear of heights, fear of falling, or fear of having someone lift you up. Everyone was very courageous in this activity. We also had to be able to trust the people that were helping us from bar to bar. We came together as a community by cheering everyone on. And all together this was a really fun activity.

  16. I kinda did trust the people that were helping me get over the taller fence, but i guess i was just scared to go over that because it was really high, and i if i fell, then i could've hurted myself. and for courage, we all had a lot a courage. for the people that were uncomfortable getting over, i feel like they had the MOST coourage out of everyone combined. and i really liked how everyone was really helpful and cheering on them to try their best to get over, and that it's okay to fail, cause we could just try again. so we had a tight community. and the wall was pretty fun, but it was scary too.

  17. I think this activity taught people how to encourage others. Also we learned how to trust telling people or supporting people

  18. I think this activity, like the electric fence, allowed our class to come together as a whole a become one single network but I still felt that we could have fixed a few prevalent issues. I think we need to make sure our class doesn't break up into sub-groups and that we all know what's going on in an activity. Still, with every activity, we're becoming more like a team.

  19. We faced a lot of the same challenges from the electric fence when we were doing the wall activity. Trust was an even bigger factor this time because EVERYBODY had to rely on the two people in the middle to get across. We all had to work together to encourage people who were struggling. It also helped that a lot of us were trying to make this a light-hearted experience by putting some fun into it.

  20. I think this activity was one of the best ones we've done so far, because it was a great way to strive towards our class goals of trust, community, courage, and fun. We had to seriously trust the 2 people inbetween the bars, and also trust ourselves that we would be able to get over. Community was also a big part of this activity, because we all had to accomplish the same task and come together to make it happen. It took courage, more for some then others, to trust the 2 people to lift them over and fall from the high bar. What was really awesome about this activity was that it was also fun in a way. A lot of us laughed at ourselves while falling over the bar, and that made it a more comfortable environment in my opinion.
    The only problem we had was that we could have helped on the other side of the bars where people were landing, to make it more safe.

  21. I kinda learned to trust myself a little more, i didnt think i would be able to do it, i didnt think i would be able to hold myself up to get over the secons high wall but it was way easier than i thought it would be. I do feel a little bad because it was more like were all just learning to trust Nick Evan and Izzo because they lift us up for everything =/ haha

  22. ive learned to trust others more than i thought i originally would in this class from these activities. over all i don't think it could have gone that much better so we did a pretty solid job.

  23. The walls activity was really scary at first, after all the sight of those two walls was really intimidating to begin with. But it was great however one came together and made sure that everyone felt comfortable and got everyone over. I don't know if I would do it again, but I didn't think I would do it the first time and the group definitely made me feel better.
