Saturday, December 12, 2009

How is rappelling going?

After 3 days of rappelling, how is the experience as a rappeller, belayer, onlooker? Remember during this unit the expectation is for you to rappel at least 8 times. 2 to 3 times the regular way showing me you understand the technique, 1 or 2 times going upside down and recovering, 2 or 3 times jumping off the wall army style, and 1 or 2 times going down face forward.


  1. So far I only had to chance to rappel, be a fireman blayer, and systems check. Most of the jobs have been pretty calm except for rappeling. The only hard part is letting go and trusting the ropes to hold you, and your group to not let you down. After you get over that part it's pretty fun, but the trip down is too short. I wish the wall was taller.

  2. I have rappeled, been the belayer, the back up belayer and the systems checks person. The jobs have been pretty easy, but rappeling was scary. I was the first person out of our group to rappel, so I didn't really know what to expect. For me, the hardest part was letting go off the railing and depending on the rope and my group to hold me. The overall experience was a lot of fun :)

  3. So far, I have rappeled, been the system checker and the fireman belayer. It has been fun to get to see the faces of other members of my team when they make it down for the first time. Even though I have only rappeled once, it was fun and rewarding to accomplish it safely. I'm excited to try rappeling in the other more 'daring' ways.

  4. I reppelled once and I thought that was scary enough as it was. NO WAY am I going face first/upside down.

  5. umm nervieeee! it was going fine until you mentioned all that

  6. I have had a chance to be all of the jobs at one point but I think the most fun is being the actual rappeller!!! It was a fun experience and I'm really excited to go down face first or upside down!!


  7. Haven't gotten to rappel yet, but I'm looking forward to it on Tuesday. It doesn't seem all that bad as an on looker, but I have a feeling that it will become exponentially harder once I I try it. So I'll remain optimistic until I get on the other side of that fence. Also, not really looking forward to going upside down.

  8. I think every job has been good except when I rappelled. It doesn't seem that bad when other people are going down, but when it's you up there it's kind of scary. The hardest part is leaning back and letting the rope catch because you don't really trust that it will work for you.

  9. I think everything is okay except rapelling. I didnt think i would be too scared, but it was scary! I did it though, and now im sorta excited to get the chance to rappel again.

  10. I have rappeled only once but I am really excited to rappel again. I like all of the other jobs but belaying is difficult to feed the rope through and grab it at the other end, it always seems to get stuck. I can't wait to rappel again.

  11. I liked rapelling at first excecpt it didn't seem that fun! if it was scary going down the regular way i think it is going to be even more going upside down or something. Im excited to rapell again :)

  12. i have done once and it was really scary and i did so bad. i hope to get better.

  13. I've gotten to do most of the jobs so far, and its been pretty good. I was scared to rappel, but once I let go of the railing and caught my weight, it was actually a lot of fun. I'm excited to try rapelling again, but not for the other ways you just mentioned..

  14. I haven't rapelled yet so I'm not sure about that, but I feel really comfortable doing everything else. I'm always extremely careful since I know that what I do could hurt someone and I would feel a lot worse if someone got hurt because of my mistake than if I got hurt.

  15. I love rappeling and i have done every job that there is and it is pretty easy.I love rappeling like i said and i cant wait to rappel again.

  16. i like rappeling alot. I have done all of the jobs and love it. I am exicted to rappel with my face down. i think it is a challenging and fun unit that we are doing.

  17. i was nervous to rapell at first, but it wasn't that bad. my group knew what to do, and we have each other's backs.
    i didn't know we had to go face forward...i don't know how i feel about that

  18. I really love repelling! i wasnt really nervous at first; i was excited to go!!! going face first was kinda scary though because i thought i would turn over but otherwise it was fantabulous :)

  19. I slipped the first two times I rappelled so now I'm really freaked out but I like all the other jobs. Belayer and fireman belayer are the most stressful jobs, other than rappelling, since you know that it's your job to keep someone in your group from falling. Overall I think it's been an interesting experience.
