Saturday, December 19, 2009

Exercise Plan!

What is your commitment to your fitness over the Holiday break? My commitment is to walk/jog mon,wed, fri, for 30 minutes both weeks. I will also do strength exercises 4 times during break and yoga for 30 minutes at least twice during break. Don't be like the average american, challenge yourself over the next two weeks. If you make the commitment you will do it. Have a great Holiday Season. Check in to the Blog to see everyones fitness commitments.


  1. my commitment is to try to walk, jog, or go the the health club at least 3 times a weak. i also will try to watch what i eat

  2. My commitment has been to do at least an hour of wii fit and i also do push ups and crunches every day.

  3. my commitment is (was*) to work out for an hour at lifetime fitness on the machines and do situps and crunches every day

  4. Over the break I did crunches everyday and watched what I ate.

  5. i went to diving even on christmas eve

  6. I danced about 12 hours both of the 2 weeks of break.

  7. I did cardio videos and tried to aviod too many sweets at the holidays

  8. over winter break i was mostly lazy but i didddddddd work out with alana at the y a few times!!

  9. over winter break i went out running a few times.

  10. Over the break, I played tennis for a few of the days and it was definately a workout!!

  11. I worked out nearly every day, except for when my family was in town. All of those days it was for at least a half hour or more. I did different kinds of cardio, a stationary bike, an elliptical, and a treadmill.
