Sunday, February 7, 2010

Up chuck!!

During the activity today let us know what was going on with your thoughts in regards to the way things where going, the way our classmates where listening to each other, your frustration level, and any other thoughts that will help us to learn about each other individually and as a group.


  1. I didn't think it went that well. I think maybe my side of the circle could have suggested some ideas on how to keep the ball going but then again its hard when you aren't involved in the activity yet.

  2. I think we cheated on the way we got the balls around the circle because we didn't actually throw it up in the air. I'm guessing people who thought it was cheating were too lazy to stop and try to do it the real way because it would take to long to do. We just wanted to get it over with even if it ment cutting corners.

  3. i think we did pretty well with this activity because we followed the rule which was to pass the ball above our heads everyone at the same time, and i think everyone was pretty cooperative (which led us to success). -Yeasun Kang-

  4. I thought things were going okay. We should have included more people and listened more to each other. I wasn't really frustrated and I thought that we could have eventually completed the take in the honest way if we wourked as a class.

  5. i think that what we did was self-satisfaction. we did followed the rules, but we were really lazy about it and didn't throw, but passed it to the people next to us. most of the time when we do group activities, the same group of people contribute to different ways and ideas. i think that to fix that problem, we shouldn't always listen to the same people, everytime. i was also frustrated. i wasn't frustrated becuase people couldn't catch the ball, but i was frustrated becuase people weren't listening, but talking to others. that really annoyed me. i think that the class shouldn't concentrate on compleating the activity in that one period. i think that we all try to hurry up and finish. we should concentrated on finishing with following the rules completly.

  6. The activity was fun and challenging. The purpose of the game was clear, but people did not adhere to it. My option was mention by someone else and the idea was rejected. When we trie to pass the balls from one to the next, we just handed them the ball. The rules were to catch the ball. Also some of us were nor keeping our hands above our head.

  7. I thought that it would have been working fine that way and was really surprised when only eight people raised their ahands because they thought it was a success. I definitley thought our class was more open with each other about our ideas than that. i guess we just have to work as a class and make sure that we aren't afraid to speak up when we disagree individualy.

  8. I wasn't surprised when only eight people raised their hands saying they thought it was a success. Some of us didn't keep our hands above our heads and we messed up once but kept going. I agree with everyone else in that we could have listened to easch other better and really tried to be successful instead of just trying to complete the activity quickly.

  9. I didnt go very well. A lot of people didnt care for the rules and didn't drop it above their heads. I was really only frustrated when people couldn't get the rhythm of passing the ball down the line. It was cool to watch everyone once they we all did get it right. I think we would have been succesful if everyone just followed the rules.

  10. I think we need to have a leader of our gym class because every succesfull form of government has leader. Electing a leader would be benefit the class grealy so we can vote and agree on new ideas.

  11. I think that as a group we completed the task, but we weren't successful in team building. We did not really give everyones ideas a chance, we might have tried it once but if it did not work we just moved on to a different idea. I was frustrated because we also handed the balls to each other instead of throwing them to each other. Maybe next time it will work better and we will give everyone who has an idea a fair chance.

  12. I think that we completed the task in the end, but I was pretty frustrated when people weren't paying attention and carelessly dropping the balls. I thought we really needed that brainstorming break, and it was pretty helpful. However, our successful method of passing sort of took all the fun out of the activity.

  13. i wasnt there for most of it but i think it coulda went better. need to be more communicative with eachother

    Sam Pennington

  14. I think that we did not follow the rules like throwing up above our heads, and that made us not succeed the activity.

  15. I think we completed the activity successfully. The synchronization that it takes to stay in sync with everyone takes a lot of skill and understanding even if the ball didn't leave our hands ever.

    -Erika T.

  16. I think that having people coming up with ideas was great, and then having the whole class vote on them was even better. However, having only three people speak about their idea was where everything fell apart. I not sure if they were afraid to have their idea shot down, or if they just were too lazy to speak it out. Either way, this activity would have been better if more people put effort into it.

  17. Like everyone else said, things didn't go as smooth as they could have been. I didn't think that we were being open about new ideas because of the fear of rejection. I think we just need to trust each other more and know that no one else will really shut us down.

  18. I think that the ideas were good, but when it came time to actually implement it, we were careless and lazy. Overall, a good first try but nothing to be proud of. Personally, I can understand that we weren't really having fun completing the exercise but trying difficult method would probably result in us not even completing the exercise. Which is better?

  19. Technically, we did complete the task, but in my opinion, we in a way cheated the system. I believe that we couldve completed the task differently if we just gave it a little more time and if er had more patience in our classmates. I think our class is able to finih this task the way it's meant to be completed next time.

  20. I don't think the activity went thattt well because we seemed to get how it needed to happen, but not everyone has the coordination for the activity~

  21. We cheated. But no one wanted to admit it. We need better communication skills but otherwise, the final idea was okay....

  22. I feel like we've done a lot harder stuff before, but none of us really wanted to try that day. We finished the task with the least amount of effort because we weren't into it. I think next time we just need to motivate ourselves to try.

  23. I think this activity could have gone smoother. A lot of people (including myself) were feeling lazy that day and just wanted to get it over with. I think that everyone needs to be more accountable and when they mess up, they should say so and not lie and keep going. I also think that our class as a whole needs to listen to every opinion/idea that is presented. We never know how something might turn out if we just give it a try or compromise a few ideas together. I agree with what Asha said, we need to motivate ourselves to want to complete a task with as much integrity and focus as possible.

  24. it was really frustrating because people were yelling at each other and not working together. i for one just wanted to get it over with, but if people payed attention and worked together, we could've gotten it done without cheating (we did, i admit it)
