Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peer Evaluation

Let us know what your thoughts are on the peer evaluation we did on Wednesday? Your overall thoughts and the insights you got on the responses you got from your peers.
Remember Monday is a Fitness day bring your PE Clothes no excuses! Have a great weekenend.


  1. I think it was a good idea but not accurate. My group ended up asking each other the questions instead of thinking of them for ourselves and making a decision off of that. The first five were easy because you saw them acting like that. But the question that was do you say no to negative peer pressure, we wouldn't really know that answer unless we were in a situation with them. Good concept but I don't feel like I knew my group well enough to answer the questions. There is also the whole concept with not wanting to sound mean and giving the person a 4 instead of a 3 or 2. I tended to stick to 4 and 3 and maybe only three 2s.

  2. I liked the idea of evaluating our group memebers and ourselves and see where we are. I think it was also a good way to find out what people think of my actions and motivation toward climbing activity. Although i tried my best to be honest on the evaluation, i tended to look at the numbers others gave. While I was numbering, I thought there should be 5 numbers instead of four by adding "somewhat" because for several questions i was in between agree and disagree and it was pretty hard to decide which to pick.

  3. I think it was a good activity to determine how others thought of us and how we thought of ourselves but some of the questions were hard to answer especially if i did not know the person that well. It was also interesting to see the comparison and difference in how much differently i would have rated myself on some of the questions.

  4. It's a good thing to see what other people around you think of you. Gives us a chance to improve ourselves or think about our actions.

  5. I think it was a good activity because we got to know what we all think of each other, however i do not think that it is totally accurate. Some questions were probably correct and questions that my group members could answer, but some questions my group members had no idea about so they just put in a random number. However, I still think this is a good activity because we got to find out what other people think in general.

  6. Great idea, it's just that a lot of the questions asked don't come up in gym class. They seem to pertain more to people who would know each other outside of class. Also, It's hard to put down something like a one down for people That we know.

  7. I think it was an ok idea but my group i feel doesnt know me at all. I mean there are good people but i havnt actually talked to them about anything besides gym so how could they really know me. I thought it was accurate for gym purposes but thats it. So all in all i really didnt like it and to be honest i feel like i dotn know my group well enough and thats probably my fault.

  8. I think it was a good idea because we found out what others thought of us, which in turn, helps us understand how we can improve ourselves. However, I think that a few of the anwers might not be accurate because for most of our group members, we only see each other for 50 minutes a day, so it was hard to come to a conclusion. For the most part, it was a good way to learn about ourselves, and give feedback to others.

  9. It was a good idea in theory but i didnt feel it was that accurate. I mean there were some people I know more than others and if I did talk to the others it was referring gym and doing this activity, something im not even very comfortable with, doesnt define me at all.

  10. I don't think these peer evaluations were that accurate because not everyone knows eachother well enough to determine those things. I understood why my group put the things they did, but I disagreed with a lot of it because how I am in gym class really doesn't define me at all. I also had trouble determining what to rate my group members because I felt like judging them based on only gym class wasn't fair.

  11. I thought that the peer evalution was helpful and some what disappointing. I the information I got back was helpful and disappointing. I know that i hide some portions of me, but when I show my true self, people do not understand how everyone is different. It means that I need to change how I present myslef to others.

  12. I thought the peer evaluation could have been much more helpful if we had gotten written responses instead of numbers. The feedback I got was mostly accurate, but I would have liked to know what my peers really thought about me and maybe suggestions for improvement.

  13. I really didn't know how to answer most of the questions because I'm not THAT close with my climbing group. To be honest, very few people know you enough to be able to give an accurate evaluation. I guess it did help by making us see the person we are to evertbody else...but the thing is, that's not who we really are.

  14. i didn't mind being evaluated, but i did mind evaluating others. It's hard to put down a 2 on someone's evaluations because afterall, you don't want to seem mean.
    Emma Jade

  15. I think that it was interesting to see what people thought of you but yet i dont think a lot of those questions were good evaluation questions because some of them were irrelanvent

  16. I dont think that the peer evalutions were very accurate. It was interesting though to see what other people thought about you. Some of the questions could have been wording differently but I can see how the activty was meant to help us get to know the people in our group.
